N-400 Naturalization Application Fees now Payable by Credit Card

USCIS is now accepting credit card payments for N-400 Naturalization application fees, as long as the proper procedure is followed.  Acceptable credit cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.  Gift cards with logos for Visa, MasterCard or American Express are also acceptable forms of payment.
How to submit your payment by credit card
The single credit card or gift card must have enough money on it to cover the entire fee.  If the card is declined, your N-400 application will be rejected.  The fee cannot be split between different credit cards, or a combination of credit cards, checks, or money orders.  One Form G-1450 must be submitted with each application you submit, as your card will be charged separately for each application.
If one Form G-1450 is submitted with multiple applications, your application will be rejected.
The proper procedure

  1. Fill out Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions, which can be downloaded here.
  2. Place the G-1450 on top of your N-400 Application for Naturalization
  3. Mail your application to the correct address, as given on the Form N-400 webpage, found here.

Once USCIS has received your application, they will charge your credit card for the filing AND biometrics fees.  This will show up as ‘USCIS N400 Paym’ on your credit card statement.  USCIS will destroy your Form G-1450 after payment is processed, regardless of whether the application is accepted or rejected.
How does this work when multiple applications are filed together?
Credit card applications are straightforward, as long as you follow the rules:

Submit one Form G-1450 for each individual application
Use only one credit card to pay for all enclosed applications

Do not combine different forms of payment, i.e. checks and credit cards, or different credit cards.  If you do combine payment forms, your application package will be rejected and sent back to you.  If you send only one Form G-1450 with multiple applications, your application package will be rejected and sent back to you.
If you wish to pay for some applications using checks, submit these applications separately – in a separate package.
Can someone else use their credit card for my N-400 application?
Absolutely.  The owner of the credit card must fill out the Form G-1450, sign and date it, and give it to you to submit with your application.  Your application will be rejected if the form G-1450 is not signed by the same person who paid.
What steps are taken to keep my credit card information secure?
USCIS uses a web-based application called Collections Control Panel (CCP), through the Department of Treasury Pay.gov.  The U.S. Department of Treasury oversees all companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information, to ensure that it is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), in order to maintain a secure payment environment.
After your payment is processed, USCIS will destroy your Form G-1450.  This is the case even if your application is rejected.

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